设计师李昱专栏NO.4 | Kelly Hoppen 讲述她不为人知的设计秘密






      李昱毕业于伦敦艺术大学室内空间专业,文学硕士学位。以时间为节点的叙事性设计风格在酒店设计行业里独树一帜,以每一个独一无二的设计代表唯一的故事著称。曾获得香港室内设计大赛商业组别特殊荣誉和住宅组别冠军,以及任职于全球酒店设计翘楚的Hirsh Bedner & Associates 香港公司和墨尔本公司中国项目总监和设计总监。

       2015 年李昱先生将全球合伙人理念付诸行动,于美国纽约成立奇遇联合酒店有限公司, 通过全新的资源整合模式将全球优秀的设计和艺术品带到中国,也将中国美学带到世界,实现艺术的无国界。并坚持将阶层美学,结合叙事设计贯彻到底。 在专注于线下设计服务之余,奇遇国际艺术平台已经全球面世。 “艺术无国界” 理念在宣称艺术全球化,真实的表达自己,让艺术就在守卫着艺术家的本真。


设计师李昱专栏NO.4 | Kelly Hoppen 讲述她不为人知的设计秘密

Kelly Hoppen


李昱对话设计女王Kelly Hoppen精彩节选  

K(kelly Hoppen)J(李昱)

J: Yeah ,So you were born in South Africa?


K: I was born in South Africa. I left when I was two-years old ,my parents came back to London ,my father was British . I have a brother who is two years older .and I used to get back South Africa every Christmas until my father died. I was about 16, and I was very happy going back in Christmas because my grandparents had a very beautiful home .And I love my grandparents. I was really happy around them ,and really my love for interiors came from that. I love the way my grandparents’ home felt. When I look at the design now ,it’s horrible .it wasn’t me .And I think my love for design came from that .It was more about how you felt it in a home ,rather than what it looked like .and it’s the same way as you can go to the somebody’s home for dinner and .it’s not your style ,but the company ,the ambience.the food ,the music ,the smell ,the whole thing is what makes you enjoy the evening .


      我在南非出生,2 岁的时候离开南非随父母回到了伦敦,我父亲是英国人。我还有一个大我两岁的哥哥,在父亲去世之前,我每年圣诞节都会回南非。那时候我 16 岁左右,每次圣诞节回祖父祖母家我都非常开心,因为他们的房子真的很漂亮。我很爱他们,在他们身边也很快乐。我对室内设计的热枕也是来源于此。那房子的设计现在看来简直是糟透了,根本不是我的风格。我对设计的爱却源于此。我喜欢我祖父母的房子给我的感觉,比起房子的外形,其给人的感觉其实才是最重要的。同样,如果你去某人家里享用晚餐,真正让你乐在其中的并不是房子的设计风格,而是主人的陪伴,怡人的气氛,美味的食物与动听的音乐。

k: So, really ,interior design is just an added bonus on top of what you feel and experience in a home .So that very much came from my childhood .


J: yeah. It’s really special . So I found out your work has any sense of location from South Africa when you really young .So have you got any ...er, you know .



K: Oh I am sure . I mean .My inspiration mainly came from my grandparents. I think all my initial inspiration really came from the east because of my love of the east ,but there are elements of Africa and China and New York ,and Paris ,and London .I mean .My inspiration comes from everything .mainly really from music shopping ,shoe shopping ,everything .Art .I am constantly inspired. I never stop being inspired .



J: Yeah .Cause your works are timeless .How could you define the time and timeless .Timeless is your work style .It will never be out .Cause when people see your work like 20 years ago .Still very beautiful at that moment .


      嗯,你的作品风格是永恒的。请问你是怎样定义有限的时间和无限的永恒呢?你的作品风格永恒,永不过时,即使是 20 年前展于人前也妙不可言。


K: Yeah . I think it’s because I created a style that has not been created before.and I think that it was a very neutral ,very calming kind of style .And my philosophy was very grounded ,and it never ,the philosophy,the process of my design has always remained the same ,but it’s changed and expanded .But when I did my 40 year retrospective last year .and I put the book together, it was really interesting for me to look at 41 years of work and see how it always came back to the same core, and I think that’s why 。

      是的,之所以我的风格前无古人,是因为它非常中性且沉稳的缘故吧。我的设计理念扎根于理论,在我的设计作品中得到了一贯体现,同时又具有多样化和延伸性的特点。去年我对我这 40 年来的作品做了回顾,当把这些作品放在一起看的时候才发现这些作品最终兜兜转转都回到同一个设计核心。这发现相当有趣。我想这就是我的作品永不过时的原因吧。

J: What is the core is in your work .


K: That’s a good question .Well ,it’s basically creating an environment which is harmonious and that I wanted to create backdrops for people to be able to live in .So,that my belief is that a home really is created by the people that live in it rather than the backdrop ,it’s a bit like going to the theater ,if you look at the stage .that looks amazing ,but if there are no actors in it ,it’s very boring .



J: So it’s a combination of those things that are really important, but I think the sort of philosophy behind Kelly Hoppen is creating homes for people to live in ,within that ,it’s using multiple textures and it’s my love for textures and my ability to make textures work .so they kind of morph into each other rather than just stand out .and a lot of my materials people were...people come to my home ,week after week .and every time they walk in and they go :oh that’s new .and I go :no ,it’s not .It’s because you are not drawn to one specific thing ,you are drawn to the whole ambiance of the room, but every time you come there ,you’ll see another thing ,and that for me is good design .

     所以我的设计理念就是将重要的东西结合起来。但是 Kelly Hoppen 系列除了强调宜居之外,还讲究各种材质的运用。是我对材质的热爱和对其驾驭能力让材质发挥作用。让它们相互融合贯通,而不会显得突兀。人们对很多材料都...人们总是周周来我的房子,每次走进房间参观总会说: 噢,那是新的”我就会告诉他们不是。那是因为参观者不是被某一样特定的东西吸引,而是被整个房间的环境所吸引。每次光临都会有新的发现。这对我来说就是优秀的设计。

J: Yeah,when you design something.Have you ever have an inspiration from Asia? cause you traveled quite,you know,from different country.


K:  Everything I do is from Asia .


J: Yeah,so What’s most influence from Asia to your work .


K: Well,it’s not one specific thing,but for me,whenever I come to Asia, I feel very at home .I feel very peaceful, and it does something to myself. I can’t really put it into words,but I feel comfortable,and whatever I look at,and whatever I see, it tastes good.


K:and  I  get  really  inspired  and  I think whether it’sJapan,whether it’s  China or whether it’s Thailand or whether it’s,you know ,wherever it is in Asia,there is an element of, er, order, that for me,creates harmony. And I love the lines ,the textures and,I don’t know ,it just works for me .



J: Yeah .Cause I am from Asia ,so I think Asia is sort of calm down .Serenity .So serenity is very calm down .So we feel in our hearts quite calm down .But from England ,western country .People feel sort of ,er ,opposite .


K: Yeah .They are manic .


J: Yeah .they want something.er. interesting .funny .or challenging .


K: Well. I just think it is different, you see ,this is the beauty of the world that everybody has a different kind of cultures .What I’ve done is taken a culture that I am really intrigued by and I feel comfortable in .But I am British .So I’ve tried to make that balance .




K: You know .I just look out the window ,cause I have a sight here .and look at those incredible golden roofs there .so I mean immediately I am drawn to that ,my brain is thinking :oh ! that’s a really good shape and whatever,but I live in the UK, but I like to have that balance .So it’s taking elements of the east and turning that into something that works for me .which has created Kelly Hoppen .What happened after I wrote East Meets West was it became a phenomenon in Britain ,but it became what I call bubble gum ,it was everywhere ,people thought that east design was about  having a Buddha or having a piece of ceramic and it became very mainstream .

      你知道吗?当我望向窗外(因为刚好在我的视线之内),看到那边那些引人赞叹的金色屋顶,我一下子就被吸引住了。我的脑子里想着:噢,这些屋顶的形态很美,还联想到了很多其他溢美之词。但是因为我住在英国,我喜欢那样的平衡,即吸收东方元素,进行转化,使我受益。这种平衡理念催生了 Kelly Hoppen 系列。《东西交汇》在英国出版后,出现了我所调侃为“泡泡糖”的现象,人们在街头巷尾讨论,这本书的影响无处不在。人们认为东方设计就是在家里放上一个佛像或是一片陶瓷,这是当时的主流想法。

K: That’s when I detracted myself from it ,and slightly moved away because for me it wasn’t so much about the objects ,it was more about the lines ,the textures ,the  simplicity.


apaiser Kelly Hoppen Bijoux Collection Hero shotapaiser Kelly Hoppen Bijoux Collection Hero shot

Bijoux BasinBijoux Basin

Bijoux BathBijoux Bath

K: And that’s what I always try to talk about .


But it’s funny that you think that Britain design is...


J:  British design is for me is quite like Modern industry design.style.minimal for me is from US.is not from UK.


K: Yeah .but if you look the very traditional Chinese homes.they were really ornate and gold, you look at our very traditional British homes by John Stefanidis David Hicks, Nina Campbell.They are really full of ornate, they are very similar.but they are just two very different cultures.they knew the most simplistic Japanese or Chinese design and then you look at ,you know a John Porsen when you look at an American minimalist designer ,there are similarities.but they,It just depends on what eye you have to be able to see that the similarities and the differences.

      是的,但是如果你观察传统的中国房屋,它们装饰华丽,金碧辉煌。再看出自John Stefanidis ,David Hicks, Nina Campbell之手的英国传统房屋,也是装饰华美,有异曲同工之妙。但这是两种截然不同的文化。设计者们都深谙日本或中国的简约设计。再看美国极简设计师 John Porsen 的作品,也有相似之处。但只仅仅是取决于对相似性和区别的不用看法而已。


J: Yeah .


K: And you choose from each and should create something .


J: So ,you say ,the design style is related with people’s life cause you know ,Chinese people’s living style not that clean ,so we have ,we almost be cooking really big dinner for the family coming here ,for the friends ,so when we design some contemporary style .I think minimalism maybe not suit China ,cause we ,our life style is such ...you know ,a lot, rich lifestyle .So people design quite minimum ,quite clean style for Chinese people .personally .I think that life is not related with us .so the style 


K: That’s because you are Chinese .You live in China . You know I mean .I think it’sbecause you live in that.that’s where you were from .I look it in a very different way .I think ,minimum ,clean ,cook as much as you like.


K:  that’s what I am saying .That’s was so brilliant. It is the ...we have different view points ,looking at the same thing.


But also spaces in China are smaller ,and therefore you need to have a cleaner lines and make it very compact .


BUTLER urn- Credit Anthony Parkinson

J: I used to read your works .very .it’s very clean .tone-one-tone it’s color schemes are very .very tone-one-tone, So how could get that ,you know .sort of tone-one-tone in your work .


K: Because neutral is my love .


K: And when I wrote the book In Touch ,it was all about using the same fabrics ,but in different textures to show people that you could have the same color in a room ,but every textures would be different, and every time people would walk into my home cause I always tried it at my home .People will walk in and they will be touching everything.because that’s what textures does .and so you can create that ,and my whole philosophy was that art , and objects can be the color ,because really it means that you can change your home .nothing should really remain the same .Like I could change all those accessories in this room ,if I move those two amber pots and put them here ,move those over there ,it will look much better .I should have done that actually ,but you could change the look of something ,if I took away these black cushions and move those cushions over ,it will change the look ,so just a little elements that you can do ,and that’s what’s fun .


J: Yeah ,you know . I design last five-star hotel . I invite you to design the hotel,the premier suite, would it be interest to do something ,not ,you know ,private。


K: Well I love it .Because for 37 years .I only did residential ,so I feel that I have a good upper hand ,because If I have only done commercial . I don’t think I would have understood what people really want ,cause The hotel is a home from home ,and I think sometimes you go in to hotels and that feel very cold .and you don’t have that warmth in them, ,but I love designing hotels .

      我的确喜欢酒店设计,因为我有 37 年的从业生涯是专攻于设计住宅的。所以我觉得我有这个优势。因为如果我只是进行商业化的设计的话,我就不会了解人们真正想要的是什么。因为酒店就是一个个房间组成的,有时候人们走进房间总会感觉冷飕飕的,没有温度的感觉。但是我的确钟情于设计酒店。

J: Yeah, we are designing some like Hilton and intercontinental .so maybe ,you know .quite interesting .working with global boutique designer like you .we are working with quite a few ,very ... they don’t design hotel before .but they do like .you like .have a sort of particularly interior style .so we bring that in on our design platform .So just like making cocktail .We are making cocktail to bring different designers just in the ,you know,soft of。



J: Last question .Happy accident .Have you ever met some happy accident in your life .


K: I think I’ve had lots of serendipity.I am a great believer in fate .I am a great believer in synchro-destiny..Which is that ,er,you think of something and then it happens, and that is my whole philosophy in life that you are ,if you’re riding that way ,and it’s a positive way ,you can visualize your future, you can make things happen ,so I think there’s being lots of serendipity in my life . I can’t think of any particular one thing right now ,but ,100 percent .yeah . I totally believe that .


J: serendipity is also part of Asian culture .


J: We don’t really shut the line very clear ,we just say what’shappened ,tomorrow ,it’s more like artists ,we design something ,we don’t really ,like you know ,we design something should be.


  J: Yeah .So I just have another questions , cause some people they design something just should be something ,like a hotel , just should be hotel .But I think something could be something, a hotel could be a library , and a room could be a garden .say ,we mix up some sort of functions to bring the sense of , you know , the new location into another parts of location.


K: Absolutely. I mean, you know ,that’s what design is all about .It’s about fantasy .It’s about creating experiences .It’s about ,you know ,my design is very much about doing complete opposite to make something work ,like I can put one fabric down and find another fabric that will completely explode the other fabric .It’s like cooking .the more different spices you put into something you cooking .People go :wow !that an amazing combination of taste ,well, Designing is the same ,whether you are a fashion designer ,you know .I can wear this black suit and wear very differently to somebody else ,because of I put with it .So design is all about complementing ,and it’s also about stepping outside of the box .I mean .We are about to launch in China my master class online ,which means that thousands of people can.



K: And instead of reading into a book ,it means I can be in people’s living rooms and talk to them and explain things to them ,in the way ,that maybe an book I couldn’t do ,because you know ,you can go to university ,you can go to school to learn the black and white .


K: But ,it’s for me design is more about where it comes from and how you use your mind , and that’s why I’ve down the master class to try get into people’s heads and explain : you need to relax ,you need to ,really ,because what you are talking about in terms of creating this kind of juxtaposition of design could only come from it ,from you ,when your mind is free of rules.


K: And I hate that .So I am trying to show people that there’s a different way that you can become very good at what you do and not feel that you have to conform to something .


Soho Dining ChairSoho Dining Chair

Calvin Dining TableCalvin Dining Table

K: And the new idea can be break through,can be interesting, and I think .you know ,the youth of today ,has that ability to do that .


J: You talk about texture .Have you got some memory from your childhood wassort of smell of the touch of different texture ,like your cooking ,you taste some food from your grandma .


 Mondrian Cabinet Mondrian Cabinet

K: Yeah .you now ,your memory of smell is one of the strongest things that can revoke memory.


K: And you know ,if you smell baby powder, it can remind you of your child when they were babies ,if you ,it a certain smell of perfume .My grandma used to wear ,if I smell that ,I immediately have a memory of my childhood .a happy memory.equally .If I smell a sardine .I feel sick .it gives me a horrible .You know ,so , smells are the things that remind you something .Equally ,a texture or a memory of walking down a hallway .You know your brain is a really complex incredible muscle that can help you become very creative and do things ,and I think partly what I am talking about the master class to try to allow people to go back into their filing cabinet of their memories to find out what it is they’re good at and I think partly what I am talking about the master class to try to allow people to go back into their filing cabinet of their memories to find out what it is they’re good at and I think today every body has those blocks ,it doesn’t allow them to be as creative as they could be .


Hobbs CabinetHobbs Cabinet

J: Yeah .That’s something could be not just should be .Some designers .they only design something they can see it .But I think the most top designer ,they design something people can feel from the heart .Something not can to be see it ,just to feel something 。



K: I mean .I was saying to Steve Blum yesterday .I can walk into my home literallyand I can scan the whole space in a second ,and I can see if something is crooked .I have that ability ,you know ,my brain is so open at all time .I can see if something’s moved .I can look at a room and notice if there’s a light bulb ,just with a second ,and it’s about being aware .it’s about being having that possibility always to be better .


      我想说,昨天我告诉 Steve Blum,我可以一走进房间,就立刻扫视整个房间,如果有什么东西是弯曲的,我一下就能发现。我有这样的能力,我的大脑始终处于开放状态。我可以察觉到东西的移动。我可以观察一个房间并瞬时判定房间里是否有灯泡。这都归功于意识。是一种随时追求卓越的可能。


