MARS awards | 星球建筑荣获 A+Awards 全球最佳事务所

10-23 新浪家居频道

        美国东部时间5月30日A+Awards官网公布了2023年第11届Architizer A+Awards最终大奖名单。MARS星球建筑荣获2023A+Awards全球最佳小型事务所(Best Small Firm)公众评选Top 1,排名第一!(证书如下)。

        On May 30, the A+Awards announced the finalists for the 11th annual Architizer A+Awards 2023, and MARS Studio was named the 2023 A+Awards Best Small Firm (see below). 

        本届A+Awards共收到来自96个国家的5000+参赛项目;获奖率低于4%。为了庆祝这一盛典,Architizer将与Material Bank合作,于今年10月在巴黎路易威登基金会举办现场招待会,与巴黎+巴塞尔艺术展(Paris+ par Art Basel)同期举行。

        In collaboration with Material Bank, Architizer will celebrate Winners at a live reception at the Fondation Louis Vuitton, in Paris, in October. Timed to coincide with Paris+ par Art Basel, and gathering over 600 luminaries from the worlds of architecture, art, and design, the A+Awards gala will be one of the premier events for architects and designers in 2023.

        关于奖项:Architizer A+ Awards

        Architizer A+奖作为全球最重要的奖项之一,致力于推广和表彰每年世界上最为优秀的建筑设计。其使命在于推动人们鉴赏全球范围内最好的建筑,并倡导建筑对日常生活产生的潜在积极影响,被誉为“建筑界的奥斯卡奖”。

        The Architizer A+Awards is the largest awards program focused on promoting and celebrating the year’s best architecture and products. Its mission is to nurture the appreciation of meaningful architecture in the world and champion those products that are integral to bringing great buildings to life. It is known as the "Oscars of architecture".

        2021年,MARS的项目“天府水上会议中心”从100多个国家的5000余项作品中脱颖而出,荣获美国Architizer A+Awards“文化”类别的大众评审奖。

        Tianfu Conference Center, designed by MARS Studio, was selected as the 2021 Architizer A+Awards Popular Choice Winner in the Unbuilt Cultural category.

        2022年,MARS的项目“SOMESOME酒吧餐厅”获2022 Architizer A+Awards“专业评审”和“大众评选”双设计大奖。

        SOMESOME Bar & Restaurant designed by MARS Studio has been selected as the 2022 Architizer A+Awards Jury Winner and Popular Choice Winner in the Bars & Wineries category. 

        关于我们:MARS星球建筑(MARS Studio)

        星球建筑事务所(MARS Studio)创立于美国纽约,设有北京公司,是一所面向建筑设计以及室内设计方向,充满活力的年轻国际化先锋建筑事务所。MARS很快在国内外展露头角,其设计的数个作品赢得数个国内外重要大奖,并且被国内外的媒体所报道并得到了广泛的赞誉。

        MARS Studio was founded in New York, USA, and opened its Beijing office. It is an international architecture studio full of vitality and energy oriented towards architecture and interior design.

        MARS创始合伙人马宁毕业于美国宾夕法尼亚大学,美国建筑师协会联合会员,中国建筑师协会会员。创立MARS之前,曾就职于世界知名设计公司MAD Architcts事务所和纽约Biarke Ingels Group (B.l.G)。

        The founding partner of the firm, Ma Ning, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. He worked in MAD Architects in Beijing and Bjarke Ingels Group (B.I.G) in New York. 


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