短期課程招募 | 伊斯蘭的花園: 哲思與設計 Courtyard Design in the Islamic Tradition

04-26 新浪家居频道

  伊斯蘭的花園: 哲思與設計

  Design Principles Applied to Courtyard Design in the Islamic Tradition

  課程信息 Course Info

  5月20日– 5月31日

  共十天網絡授課,現場配中文助教14:00 - 19:00(休息半小時 )

  20 - 31 May, 2024Ten DaysOnline class, with supporting and translating by Tutor Assistant in the classroom14:00 - 19:00(Half-hour break)

  課程介紹 Course Introduction


  This module explores the principles of design governing the architectural space and symbolism of the Islamic courtyard. Students will gain an insight into the historic importance of Islamic courtyards. They will also examine many beautiful courtyard variations from across the Islamic world and along the Silk Road.


  Students will study the space, colour, and function of existing courtyards, including examples with integrated water and garden elements. Geometry and proportion will be used to design these vibrant architectural spaces and their ornamentation. Students will be able to experiment with forms from various Islamic regions and ultimately produce a hand-drawn architectural rendering of their own courtyard design.

  伊斯蘭花園 Examples of Islamic Courtyards

  部分學員作品 Students' works

  導師介紹 About Tutor

  澤伊內普· 伊克巴爾

  Zeynep Iqbal


  曾在英國和土耳其進行清真寺、文化中心和各種歷史建建築設計與保護工作。  她的作品側重於現代背景下的傳統藝術和建築。


  2016 年,她在英國王儲基金會傳統藝術學院(現英國國王基金會傳統藝術學院)攻讀碩士學位,專注於手繪和繪畫技巧。畢業時因其在幾何方面的出色成績而獲得了威爾士親王殿下親自頒發的凱羅斯獎 (Kairos Prize)。

  2018年,Zeynep在INTBAU世界大會上獲得了新興人才類別的INTBAU卓越獎。  她目前居住在倫敦,並繼續從事私人委託和建築設計工作。

  Zeynep Iqbal is an architectural designer who has worked on mosques, cultural centres and various historic buildings in the UK and Turkey. Her work focuses on traditional arts and architecture in the modern context.

  She is graduate of Architecture from the Vienna University of Technology. She later trained in architectural practice in Berlin and Istanbul before co-founding her own architectural studio in the UK.

  In 2016, she enrolled onto a master’s degree at the School of Traditional Arts in London, with focus on hand drawings and painting techniques. In her graduation ceremony she received the Kairos Prize for her work on geometry, presented by Prince of Wales.

  In 2018, Zeynep was awarded the INTBAU Excellence Award in the Emerging Talent category presented at the INTBAU World Congress. She currently resides in London and continues to work on both private commissions and architectural designs. 






  1. 課程開始前,中國中心與錄取者簽訂相關的課程合約。

  2. 開課後學員自動退學及中心勒令退學者,學費不予退還。

  3. 因不可抗拒的原由,中國中心有權根據實際情況對教學內容作出適當的調整。














  電話:+86 512 6530 9863


  李女士 +86 186 8886 7970

  單女士 +86 134 5156 6209  



  李茗睿女士 +86 186 8886 7970







  賬號:89190078801500000548* (如欲從境外付款,請咨詢單女士)

  關於我們 About Us


  英國國王基金會傳統藝術學院(以下簡稱「學院」)是國際知名的藝術教育學院。學院總部位於倫敦,提供傳統藝術實踐類的碩士和博士課程。學院致力於激勵非物質文化遺產的實踐與傳播,以期傳承人類各種文明的偉大藝術傳統。學院的工作體現了英國國王查爾斯三世陛下一個重要的志願,即詮釋與發揮「和諧」 理念,證明「和諧」理念對日常生活的深切影響。學院的國際教育和實踐項目亦清晰地表述了「和諧」理念與「自然秩序」之間的根本關係,這也是人類所有偉大文明共同的藝術靈感來源。


  — 威爾士親王查爾斯王儲殿下,2004

  英國國王基金會 傳統藝術學院 中國中心

  The King's Foundation School of Traditional Arts China Centre


  Co-founded by the King's Foundation School of Traditional Arts in London and the Yuan Centre in Suzhou, KFSTA China Centre honours the heritage of the traditional arts and crafts of China through education programmes aimed at reinvigorating tradition within the contemporary context.The programme enables a meaningful engagement with Chinese artistic heritage and traditions on different levels - practical, cultural and inspirational - within the contemporary context. As the only institution in China to have official, certified affiliation with the King's Foundation School of Traditional Arts, KFSTA China Centre whole heartedly supports the propagation and reinvigoration of intangible culture through its independent and collaborative projects.


