2014-03-17 新浪家居
The sinuous shapes of the ‘Sienese’ hills, soft, delicate, charming, like a warm hug that wraps softly. The simplest nature designed to elevate to a higher level comfort and well-being。
- A sinuous and embracing design transmits a feeling of comfort at first sight。
- 起伏不平的环抱式设计给人舒适感,让人一见钟情。
- During the creation of this bed were used new elements: much work has been done on the stitching details and on the clear and geometric separations between the padding, on full and empty spaces that create a play of light and shadows. All these elements, together, help to create a final image characterized by nearly theatrical effects of depth and vitality。
- 新的元素被运用到了软床的制作中:我们更加专注于缝合细节,填补材料的集合分隔,创造出光影交替的虚实空间。所有的元素一起塑造了最终的印象:像戏剧一样充满深度和生命力。
- With this bed, design standards are violated, following a detailed study of ergonomics in order to find the best anatomical solutions。
- 在这种床的制作中,以往的设计标准被摒弃,取而代之的是人体工程学上的细节的完善,我们的目标是寻找到最优的结构方案。
- The imponent headboard and the design of the shelves built into the edges defines innovative and sophisticated lines, with a look at the functionality。
- 床头板和架子的设计构建在边缘上,形成了革新的精致线条,同时又不失功能性。
- The high-quality coating, diversified in colours and thicknesses of padding, is played on a dual-use of Alcantara materials: almost the entire bed is finished in the magnificent Blue Weather, which gives a natural dark blue effect, surmounted only in the middle by a beige Alcantara upholster。
高品质的覆盖物在颜色和填充物的厚度上都呈现多样化,使得Alcantara被双重运用。几乎整个软床都是由华丽的Blue Weather完成的,呈现了深蓝色的整体色调。而在中间部分米黄色的Alcantara装饰稍微隆起。