
2016-03-14 62.4万




  “Design Shanghai” has been held twice since 2014, which created a new round of design trend this Spring. From Mar 9 to Mar 12, “Design Shanghai” will be open again. Over 300 international top notch design brands will attend, and more than 1000 new products will debut. Pingze will bring its classical and new designs for the showcase, combining lacquer, bamboo inlay, wood and so forth. Such traditional style and poetic furniture will become a highlight in the exhibition. What sparks will they light up when ancient techniques meet with contemporary design?  


  Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk. Save crafts and techniques from extinction.


  If “Chinese spirit” is the essence of Classic of Poetry, the new works of Pingze could be the “Chinese spirit” series of furniture. Those lacquer, bamboo, wood and other materials and related techniques, which are used by Pingze, all represent Chinese sentiment and aesthetic for thousands of years. While the Chinese cultures are blended into furniture, techniques could become art.


  “Chinese spirit” should not be extinct. Neither do the superior crafts and techniques. Many crafts that were the prides before are disappearing. People have pity for that but can do nothing. Can we save them and bring them back to our life?


  Pingze keeps focusing on discovery of traditional crafts and exploration of new way to show art. For example, Pingze’s new lacquer works combine lacquer art and furniture design. Ancient people discovered the use of lacquer very early. They found ware gain resistance to humid, high temperature, erosion and so on after being applied with lacquer from lacquer tress. Thus lacquer played an important role in ancient times from daily ware to works of art. Especially, lacquer furniture is a significant part of Chinese traditional furniture. As age changes, however, lacquer art is fading out in people’s life in China. So this time, Pingze improves traditional lacquer art with modern design to suit modern requirement of aesthetic and functionality, and then presents the lacquered tea table and drum stool for lacquer series.



  Across space and time, astonish the present.


  Fresh blood is needed by traditional crafts and techniques. Lacquer art from the Neolithic age comes into contemporary furniture art, across space and time, astonishing the present. 


  This just is Pingze’s “principle of craftsmanship”, which is trying to rediscover the disappearing crafts due to lack of successors and then bring them to life again. No matter it is lacquer art, bamboo art, wood art or anything else, Pingze keeps practicing and improving them by design aesthetic and researching best result, which is a long and difficult way to go. Hence it often takes years to develop one work from initial idea to finished work. To some extent, Pingze is reviving “spirit of craftsman”.


  Pingze was born from redwood furniture, but is different from traditional redwood furniture, and designs based on excellent quality of redwood to pursue modern aesthetic. To simplify the structure, it is by rather total innovation on mortise and tenon than simple subtraction. Meanwhile, the ultimate user experience is the target of Pingze as well, which is reflected by exquisite details and times of polish.

  不乏对传统文化的敬意、对工艺品质的精益, 相由心生、境随心转,在时光的历练之后,自然是惊艳,平仄作品所透出的外在气度与内在气质,能吸引人关注但也更能发人深思。

  With the respect to traditional culture and pursuit for craft quality, after endeavors and challenges for years, the true heart of Pingze persists and the outcome is, not surprisingly, amazing. The outer appearance and inner spirit of Pingze’s works not only are appealing but also provoke profound thinking.



  Lacquered Tea Table · Drum Stool

  The lacquered tea table and drum stool are made with creatively improved lacquer traditional technique. Inspired by lacquerer relief technique, Pingze applies thick lacquer on the surface, but leaves it blank for a softer, more textural and more natural experience, which avoids the complex of carving and the gloss of polished lacquer. The Lacquered tea table, based on traditional table, is more modern and minimal with innovation of mortise and tenon. About the seat of the drum stool, while the slight concave brings ergonomic feature, it increases the difficulty of polish. Story of time and endeavor of crafts make lacquerwares into modern and creative furniture.




  Bamboo Inlaid Screen

  This bamboo inlaid screen of Pingze is made with bamboo inlay technique from Dongyang, which was used to make tributes. Bamboo inlay is more exquisite, evener, thus more work-consuming than bamboo weaving. It costed more than half year to make it, even though the makers are old experienced craftsmen from Dongyang. Bamboo inlay uses a method similar to wood-grid mortise and tenon, which echoes the Hongmu frame with mortise and tenon. With rectangle frame, seven pieces form the figure of Chinese character “mountain”, and also an abstraction of mountains, which are rolling, void-and-solid, between like and not-like. The abstract lines show both modern geometric aesthetic and Chinese mountain-river aesthetic.




  Horseshoe-Back Armchair

  Pingze’s new-style horseshoe-back armchair is based on traditional horseshoe-back armchair, but manifests modern idea. Its whole structure combines square and circle, and varies naturally. Details are exquisite, such as the fine transition of square to circle, new-type mortise and tenon with compressed border, slightly concave and sectorial seat, and well-fitted armrest, which integrates style and comfort. There is ingenuity in speciality and motion in calmness. Compared to traditional armchair, it is of new style and spirit.




  “Design Shanghai” Special Discounts

  To express gratitude to our important guests, Pingze Furniture will provide special discounts, so that you can buy the products which are appealing to you. During Mar 9 to Mar 12, if you buy products at the exhibition, you can get a discount of 20% off; If you pay 10,000 RMB as deposit, it can be considered as 20,000 RMB, and you can get a discount of 10% off. If you are not satisfied at the products, you can return purchase within 7 days. Pingze’s showcase is located at contemporary design hall C2-134. Welcome to our showcase! 

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