设计师李昱专栏NO.2 | 奇遇有约著名软装设计大师Amy Lau

2018-02-02 31.2万





   李昱毕业于伦敦艺术大学室内空间专业,文学硕士学位。以时间为节点的叙事性设计风格在酒店设计行业里独树一帜,以每一个独一无二的设计代表唯一的故事著称。曾获得香港室内设计大赛商业组别特殊荣誉和住宅组别冠军,以及任职于全球酒店设计翘楚的Hirsh Bedner & Associates 香港公司和墨尔本公司中国项目总监和设计总监。

   2015 年李昱先生将全球合伙人理念付诸行动,于美国纽约成立奇遇联合酒店有限公司, 通过全新的资源整合模式将全球优秀的设计和艺术品带到中国,也将中国美学带到世界,实现艺术的无国界。并坚持将阶层美学,结合叙事设计贯彻到底。 在专注于线下设计服务之余,奇遇国际艺术平台已经全球面世。 “艺术无国界” 理念在宣称艺术全球化,真实的表达自己,让艺术就在守卫着艺术家的本真。  

本期采访设计师Amy Lau

Amy Lau


Amy Lau Desgin 设计总监

    The Arizona native developed a deep passion for design and honed her curatorial eye studying eminent historians. She received her master’s in fine and decorative art from the prestigious Sotheby’s Institute of Art. She then served as a director at Thomas O’Brien’s Aero and spent five years as the design director of noted mid-century special Lin-Weinberg Gallery in New York City. Amy is proud to serve as a co-chair of Van Alen Institute’s Program Leadership Council.

Amy Lau 作为亚利桑那州人,艾米深深钟情于设计,并通过研究杰出的前辈们来锤炼自己的策展眼光。从久负盛名的Sotheby艺术学院获得了装饰艺术硕士学位后,Amy Lau 在ThomasO’Brien航空公司担任董事,并在纽约市担任著名中世纪研究专家Lin-Weinberg画廊的设计总监五年之久。后来,Amy Lau 又自豪地担任Van Alen研究所领导委员会的共同主席。

   Founded in 2001, Amy Lau Design creates interiors known for their warmth, expressiveness and impeccable attention to detail. Amy has a reverence for the inherent beauty of natural materials and landscapes, and thoughtfully incorporates elements of each into every project. Embracing both art and design, each personalized space is enlivened with dynamic mixes of vintage and contemporary pieces, and site-specific commissions.

    Amy Lau Design 成立于2001年,该公司以温暖,极富表现力,以及对细节深入考究的设计而著名。Amy Lau怀着对天然材料与景观内在美的敬意一丝不苟地将其融入进她的每一件作品里。艺术与设计的完美结合,每一方个人空间都因地制宜,堪称古典及现代元素以及的完美碰撞,栩栩如生,活力四射。



本期设计师 Amy Lau


Amy Lau Design published a monograph in 2011, and Amy accepted an honorary doctorate from New York School of Interior Design the following year. She served as a spokesperson for Benjamin Moore’s 2010-2011 campaign “Paint with the Very Best.” She has designed spaces for renowned show houses like Kips Bay in New York and has created distinctive interior installations for Kohler, Bergdorf Goodman, Lladró, Baccarat, and the Showtime television network. The firm completed an exclusive boutique for Elie Tahari in East Hampton, New York, and is creating the home furnishings showroom Maviar in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Amy Lau Design recently collaborated with Architectural Digest designing the inaugural AD Design Studio for the Architectural Digest Design Show in New York.

Amy Lau Design在2011年推出专栏,次年,艾米获得了纽约室内设计学院荣誉博士学位。她曾担任Benjamin Moore’2010-2011年“Paint with the Very Best”活动的发言人,曾为纽约Kips Bay等知名展厅设计了空间,并为Kohler, Bergdorf Goodman, Lladró,Baccarat和Showtime电视网设计了独具特点的室内装置。公司在东汉普顿,纽约都拥有Elie Tahari专卖精品店,并在沙特阿拉伯的利雅得设有Maviar家具展览厅。最近,Amy Lau Design 与建筑文摘携手合作,为在纽约举办的建筑文摘设计秀设计用于开幕的AD设计演播室。




李昱Q&A Amy Lau

James Lee: Also this coming new project,you know ,it’s in China ,so maybe the client wants to know how does American amazing lady to doproject in China , this top  five-star hotel ,the premium suite,so they also want to know ,how would you feel likesome oriental beauty .so that would be the first question ,how do you think Asian beauty.oriental beauty?


Amy Lau : you know .I am a curator so Irecently just did a very important curatorial show of art nouveau  and it’s influences over the last one hundred and 20 years ,and I received a lotof attention nationally  andinternationally ,so with each project that I take on ,I really spend the time to get to know the history ,the culture ,the education ,the demographics  ,the specific,so I really want to ,I would want to immerse myself in the Asian culture andand especially in China. in this particular area ,to see why this is so specialnot only its location but how it’s seen and portrayed ,ah to the Chinese as the highest level .and as aninternational project,so I would do a lot of research to present my ideas and to make sure that I had a dialogue  between .eh,I think ,western civilization andeastern civilization,and to make sure that I could communicate interestingideas across that I interpreted .

Amy Lau:你知道,我是一个策展人,刚刚举办了一次很重要的新艺术策展秀,也向人们展示了新艺术风格在过去120多年来的影响,这在国内和国际都有所反响。所以每一个我接手的项目,我都会实实在在得花时间去了解其历史,文化,教育,人口状况,其特别之处,所以我真的想,想让自己沉浸在亚洲文化,尤其是在中国这一片特别的区域里。去看看为什么中国如此得特别,不仅仅是其地理环境,也想去了解中国人从最深层次是怎样看待和描绘这个国家的。因为这是一个国际项目,所以我很愿意做大量的调查来展现我的观点并确认我能和在西方文化和东方文化之间对话,确保我能够大家都明白我所理解的一些有趣的观点。

James Lee :yeah, ok.ah .As a curator , have you ever done something not for certainreason ,just for happiness in your life ,you know,artists are different fromother




Amy Lau: yes, I certainly done things forjust  happiness.I do a lot of ,these show houses ,showcases,and they are really just for me to be unbridled and creative ,and energeticand show me passion to my interest .So those are really done at just purehappiness.


James Lee:so your pure happiness is inlove with art and design .


Amy Lau:yes,yes 对啊

James Lee:ok,I got u ,in the past ofyour 20 years experience with working with ,you know ,in the New York ,verybeautiful city and project ,have you ever done some works reflects the meaningof Serendipity .you got something,but not looking for it ,It’s like in a happy accident .




Amy Lau:yeah ,you know, it’s  very interesting one of my most favoriteproject which was in  Riyadh  in Saudi Arabiawassomething that I never was  looking forward ,but it fell into my lap ,out of total serendipity,I was working on a fabric line .and the  prince who  commissioned me to do workfor him on his palace had purchased my fabric and thought that was so spiritedand alive ,and said I absolutely have to work with somebody who’s so warm andspirited and alive ,so this was total serendipity.you know, nothing that Inever expected and kinda came out the blue which was really quite magical whenthis great great project for me to work on .


Amy Lau:it’s very ...and it was special because I was able toattend his royal wedding in Riyadhwith his family ,and that was very very special.


James Lee:wow ,eh ,you have been travelaround the world .which city you have met very happy accident during yourjourney ,which city or which country you have been ever...


Amy Lau:Kyoto .in Japan。I thought Kyoto in Japan wasreally  eye-opening ,eh. It taught me somuch about mind ,body and spirit and permanence of thing ,and purity of thoughts and purity of ideas and the magic ofcraftsmanship and tradition being passed a long ,you know ,from generation togeneration and all that honors that .so for me ,I thought it was really anincredible experience form an intellectualperspectiveas well as a design perspective


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