


There’re two kinds of paintings. One is material, and the other one spiritual.

—Wassily Kandinsky


“地山空间”是一个集合空间品牌,位于上海松江区。创始人希望空间可以包罗万象:“吃”甜点、“喝”果茶,“玩”游戏,“乐”空间.(旗下茶饮品牌”芸茶“ 基地紧邻曾经的“松江府”,所以我们希望运用现代手法的同时不忘传统。通过分析,从自然中提取构成其形态的基本几何形体:矩形、圆形、三角形,来阐述我们对于“包罗万象”与“地山空间”的理解。

Located in Songjiang, Shanghai, DISHAN Space is a brand of collective space aimed to provide all sorts of recreational experience, where people meet to nibble snacks, sip fruit tea, play games and have fun . Considering the site is close to Songjiang Court built from Yuan dynasty, we hope to integrate the modern style into the traditional. After careful analysis, we decide to use the basic shapes that constitute nature, that is, rectangle, circle and triangle, to present an all-compassing DISHAN space.


 基地旁有一处残垣断壁的老房子,建于明国前后。散落的青砖、生锈的铁板、水磨石…材料变的脏乱不堪,却也诉说着什么。 PUJU尝试将这些材料运用在空间。

Across the space, there is a dilapidated old house built around the Ming dynasty. Dark bricks, rusty plaques and glazed stones scatter about and tell a story from the past. PUJU try to use these materials to realize the design on the space. 


虚构与真实|Fiction and Reality

Deserted bricks buried in the demolished ruins are reenacted in front of our eyes.

Bridge on Second Floor

木心先生有一个心愿:有一座自己的美术馆。建筑师冈本博询问木心先生期许。木心喃喃道:“风啊、水啊,一顶桥。” 中国是桥的故乡,PUJU尝试在这个空间中,利用天井间的走道形成“桥”。

Mu Xin, a famed Chinese scholar once wished to have a museum of his own. When asked by the architect about his expectations, he said there’d be wind, water and a bridge, which is a symbolic architectural form in China. PUJU attempts to create a bridge shape on the patio, taking advantage of the walk way in between.


俯仰之间|Glimpses from up and down

一层空间The first floor


With a walkway in the middle, the function areas are arranged on the side, and a half-height wall to link spaces to create an illusion of unity and separation. If the pink shades represent femininity, the dominating black and white matches exactly





