2021-11-17 新浪家居频道
2021年11月15日下午「第25届 ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖 纪念&颁奖晚会」于上海宝龙艾美酒店隆重举办,邀请了众多国际设计师、艺术家共度良夜,一起见证 Andrew Martin 国际室内设计大奖25周年的辉煌和室内设计圈的光辉的瞬间,同时为第25届中国区入选 Andrew Martin 国际室内设计大奖的设计师、设计单位颁奖。
四分之一个世纪对于一个奖项来说意义非凡,本次盛典以 The Beatles 所代表的流行文化为概念,以“imagine”为主题,采用了波普艺术的元素打造了「ANDREW MARTIN国际室内设计大奖」25周年的现场,向记录国际室内设计25年的设计奖项致敬,共同见证中国设计的再次辉煌。
ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖大中华区首席代表卢从周先生表示,在持续不断的疫情中我们迎来 ANDREW MARTIN 第25届室内设计大奖,首先对入选的设计师们表示祝贺,今年正值 ANDREW MARTIN 的25周年纪念,希望我们能陪伴大家走过更多的25年,也希望未来我们有足够的激情、颠覆精神和想象力。
第25届 ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖中国区颁奖典礼
第25届 ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖从全球30多个国家征集作品,评选出了全球Top 100位优秀设计师,其中本次中国区共有26组设计师入选。ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖成立的二十五年中,入选奖项的华人设计师、设计团队不断增加,如今已逾180多位。不但从数量和质量上是亚洲之最,更让华人设计成为推动全球室内设计发展的中坚力量。这是所有设计业者共同努力的成果。
由于疫情的原因,ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖创始人Martin Waller 先生无法亲临现场,他从遥远的伦敦发来祝福,表示每年中国颁奖典礼是一年中最喜爱的夜晚之一,无法与大家共度美好的夜晚,对此深感遗憾,同时也感谢大家对 ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖的支持。
It's all about wood and stone, materials of the Earth. Ben Wu. Ben's designs are about quality, comfort and relaxed enjoyment.It's about intimate space. This is how people want to live. Uses diverse materials: concrete, linen, stone, fire, art, books.Ben Wu was the winner of the 2020 Andrew Martin Designer of the Year Award and you can see why.
Interior design is so much about the surroundings, where the project sits in the landscape and the ability of the designer to harness the majesty of those surroundings.This design reflects and enhances those surroundings in a mystical, magical way.
This reaches back into the past like a time machine travelling through past centuries, but it's somehow combined with all the benefits of modern living.The dark walls and the precision lighting give it drama and romance.
颜色、反射、材料形状的使用非常大胆, 每一处的设计都表现出令人惊艳的想法。这是毫不妥协的设计,设计理念需要勇气和信念。
The use of colour, of reflection, shapes of materials blows me away. It's an explosion of pure energy and pure excitement.Everywhere you look is some amazing idea. This is designed with no compromise. It takes courage and conviction in your design philosophy.
The use of colour, of reflection, shapes of materials blows me away. It's an explosion of pure energy and pure excitement.Everywhere you look is some amazing idea. This is designed with no compromise. It takes courage and conviction in your design philosophy.
This is a miraculous place. Look at these pictures and they pass that test of whether or not you want to go there immediately.The red brick buildings look as if the guest has just stumbled across a lost city from a disappeared culture and then it's filled with sculptures and art like discovered treasure. I can't wait to go.
Texture and tradition are the watch words here. Controlled by precision lighting and great restraint.Everything is thought about very carefully. The antique altar table with the lion against the painting, the harmony of the colour and texture. There's a sense of warmth and welcome here.
设计充满想象力, 雕塑、灯光、颜色、楼梯、绚丽的粉红色与黑色相结合,几乎变得更加美妙和狂野,作品非常成功。
Look at the imagination here. The sculptures, the lighting, the colours, the staircase, the glorious pink made almost more fabulous by being combined with black. It's not easy to be this wild, but this succeeds brilliantly.
Once again, we see a waterfall of ideas. China is full of so many great restaurants, great hotels, great nightclubs. The standards have to be terrifyingly high.But look at this with its rock suspended like a meteorite hurtling through space with the stars above.Then the dark walls, floor and furniture lit up by gold.
我们看到了灯光改变空间的力量,并以某种方式唤起了品牌的精髓来传达气味。 一香水公司通过室内设计来沟通,室内设计在这里取得了很好的效果,它既大胆又微妙,就像一款耐人寻味的香水。
Once again, we see the power of lighting to transform a space and somehow conjure up the essence of a brand to convey fragrance. A perfume company through interiors is not easy, but I think they've achieved it well here it's somehow bold and subtle at the same time, like a great perfume.
这是一个设计如何改变期望和对事物外观的例子,卡丁车赛道就像一部未来派科幻电影,头盔展示,制服展示, 它传达着速度、兴奋和能量。
This is an example of how design can transform your expectations, the way things can look. This gokart track is like a futuristic scifi movie. The helmet display, the uniform display. It's conveying speed, excitement, energy. You can't fail. But to love this project.
This is like a playground for adults with cutting edge technology, showcasing how we can live in the future, but not just in the future. How we can live right now. They've combined the technology with scale and taken it to a whole new level.
精雕细琢的古董家具和手工艺品,带给人一种平静的感觉,谁不想坐在这里放松一下, 历史与现代相结合恰到好处,令人舒适。
Water, mountains, great antique furniture and artefacts. There's a sense of peace here who doesn't want to just sit out here and relax. And then it's coupled with the modern to ensure comfort.But it never loses sense of that history and culture from which it sprung.
用水和桥创造了神话般的入口,然后是运用阴影打造的墙壁效果, 这是另一个必看的设计点。
Xupin Space Design, this extraordinary facade, the water, the bridge, and then the fabulous entrance. When you go inside, there's the twister and then the wall effects. This is another must see venue. I love the use of shadow to create the design on the walls.
简单从来都不是简朴,通常很难把握和实现,设计中充满如寺院中平静的安详感,与原木家具相结合的艺术,这种简单就像滑冰, 看起来很容易,但做起来却很难。
This is all about simplicity, and simplicity is never simple. It's so hard to achieve. To get this sense of monastic calm, you need real discipline. I love the art combined with the raw wood furniture. This kind of simplicity is like ice skating. It looks so easy, but to make it look easy is very difficult.
This encompasses the point that texture is as important as colour or pattern. The rattan fish framed against the polished concrete. The African tribal art, the textiles. It's all completely different. It's a world apart where stress drifts away. It leaves room for relaxation, serenity and calm.
他的作品充满了魅力,美妙的墙壁饰面,细节完美的天花板,壮观的灯光完成精美的雕塑。 家具的形状、艺术品,每个细节充满了精彩。
Kris' work is all glamour special effects. These are his watch words. Wonderful wall finishes. Great ceilings. Spectacular light finishes fine sculptures. Every wall is a masterpiece, but there's so much more going on. The furniture shape, the art, the details. Chris Lynn is always a star.
吉博力中国区总经理张铭先生表示,中国设计师不断入选 ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖表明了中国设计的崛起,这也表示着我们整个社会的审美和生活水平在不断提高,背后也代表了一种全球文化的交流,吉博力希望今后能继续助力设计和社会文化的交流和发展。
Andrew Martin International (UK)
Andrew Martin 国际室内设计大奖源于英国,1996年由 Martin Waller 先生创立,迄今已成功举办25届。它是国际范围内最具水平,专门针对室内设计和陈设艺术的奖项。大奖凭借其深远的社会影响力,评审团的广泛社会代表性、公平性和高深的行业水准,吸引着全球设计领域的目光,并被美国《时代》、英国《泰晤士报》、BBC 等国际主流媒体誉为室内设计界的“奥斯卡”,而每年出版的《Andrew Martin 国际室内设计大奖年鉴》则被誉为“室内设计的圣经”。
安德马丁植根于室内设计行业,深耕泛设计圈层,是中国室内设计艺术行业的知名文化推广机构。依托英国Andrew Martin国际室内设计大奖,安德马丁拥有丰富的行业优质资源,长期致力于搭建国内外设计交流平台和推广中国设计文化。
经历十余年的设计平台搭建,Andrew Martin国际室内设计大奖大中华区颁奖典礼、安德马丁国际室内设计峰会、安德马丁发现中国好设计、安德马丁无界之合跨界艺术展、安德马丁设计教育等诸多泛设计文化项目,成为安德马丁矩阵式的设计输出内容,安德马丁在设计推广的同时也成为中国室内设计行业的重要资源平台和造星摇篮。
德国SieMatic西曼帝克总部位于德国Loehne, 出口全球60多个国家,在全球拥有800多家独立展厅。自1929年成 立至今,一直以创新设计、精致选材、精湛工艺和巧妙的细节处理被誉为橱柜中的“劳斯莱斯”,引领世界橱柜的发展,在全球都享誉盛名,常年位居德国奢侈品排行榜厨电行业前三甲,是德国当之无愧的国宝级厨房品牌。
图文 / 安德马丁