
2022-10-19 新浪家居频道


        2022 年 10 月 4 日---美国邓恩爱德华兹于洛杉矶宣布其 2023 年度色彩:Terra Rosa (DE5096)泰拉大地玫红,这是一种焦土色、平易近人的色调,带有玫瑰粉色和淡淡的赤土色。其接地气、安静的舒适感激发了充满欢乐的生活。

        在色彩专家Sara McLean 的带领下,Dunn-Edwards 对色彩进行了广泛的人类学研究,以每年确定一种对未来一年具有预测性和前瞻性的年度色彩从现代时尚、生活方式和文化中汲取灵感,Terra Rosa泰拉大地玫红被选为棕色和酒红色之间更显清新,彰显力量和活力,中等色度,Terra Rosa玫瑰色调是积极和快乐的,反映了自信、创造力和舒适。


        色彩灵感:COLOR AS MUSE

        邓恩-爱德华兹 2023 年度色彩 - Terra Rosa (DE5096)泰拉大地玫红也叫陶土玫红或者简单点叫土红色- 是一种深沉、玫瑰色的粉红色调,带有一丝赤陶色,散发着自信、创造力和舒适感。


        Dunn-Edwards 2023 Color of the Year—Terra Rosa—is a deep, rosy pink hue with a touch of terra-cotta influence that exudes confidence, creativity and coziness. Reflecting just the right amount of introspection, this high chroma, cinnamon rose hue is strong, yet approachable, and acts as a refreshing neutral updated to browns and burgundies.

        颜色:THE COLOR

        作为我们2023年色彩+设计趋势故事“诗歌生活”中的关键色彩之一,Terra Rosa(DE5096)泰拉大地玫红展示了一种充满欢乐的生活,旨在日常的小乐趣中发现美。

        泰拉大地玫红Terra Rosa(DE5096)的沉稳、安静、舒适感的色调在粉红色的影响下保留了一丝美感,但仍然可以以其深层价值创造戏剧性。

        As one of the key colors in our 2023 Color + Design trends story, Life in Poetry, Terra Rosa showcases living a life filled with joy and finding the beauty in everyday small pleasures. The grounding quiet comfort of Terra Rosa provides a touch of prettiness with the influence of pink, yet still can create drama with its deep value.

        主要影响:KEY INFLUENCES

        在选择年度色彩之前,我们会对其所产生影响、结果进行审查、大量研究。最终选择了泰拉大地玫红Terra Rosa(DE5096)作为我们的2023年度色彩,以下是四个主要影响因素:

        A large amount of research is reviewed before selecting a color of the year and what influences the outcome. Here are four major influences that culminated in choosing Terra Rosa (DE5096) as our 2023 Color of the Year:

        一、健康与幸福:Health and Wellbeing

        当我们试图摆脱大流行的情感纽带时,我们期待强大而舒适的色调,唤起一种力量和保护感。泰拉大地玫红Terra Rosa(DE5096)既可以是一个中性的颜色,也可以是一个强大的颜色。

        As we attempt to untangle ourselves from the emotional ties of the pandemic, we look to powerful, comforting hues that evoke a sense of strength and protection. Terra Rosa can be both a neutral and empowering statement color.


        二、红色和橙色等色调变暖的趋势:The Trend of Warming Hues Like Reds and Oranges


        红色和橙色通常代表力量和强度,而粉红色则表达多愁善感的甜味,泰拉大地玫红Terra Rosa(DE5096)将这些熟悉的特征与令人耳目一新的名词融为一体。


        Color wise, there is an evolving group of scorched-earth colors that exude hot to the touch but are approachable and hazy. And with reds and oranges representing strength and intensity, while pinks touching on sentimental sweetness, Terra Rosa infuses a blend of these familiar traits with a refreshing reassurance. Consumers are still being drawn to comfort colors with natural infusions well into 2023 as we continue to see global chaos.

        三、着眼于旧时光:An Eye Towards Nostalgic Times

        不确定性和快速变化重新点燃了人们对于更简单、更浪漫时光的怀念和渴望。泰拉大地玫红Terra Rosa(DE5096)通过玫瑰色的滤镜与过去建立了联系,使我们有了一丝熟悉感。


        Uncertainty and rapid change have reignited a nostalgic craving for simpler, more romantic times. And with a touch of familiarity, Terra Rosa is a connection to the past through rose-tinted glasses. This warm hue carries a touch of dusted sweetness in its quest to comfort and reassure. A need to escape can be satisfied through more creativity and an embracement of the charm of a more carefree lifestyle.


        泰拉大地玫红Terra Rosa(DE5096)是一种舒缓而柔和的颜色,灵感来自大自然,当地材料和当地手工制品。颜色强调了自然环境对身体、情感和社区治疗的重要性。


        Terra Rosa is a soothing and gentle color inspired by nature, local materials, and locally handcrafted items. The color emphasizes the importance of our reliance on the natural environment for physical, emotional, and community healing.

        We take what we learned from lockdown-the ability to be still, silent, and self-reflective-and flourish with a fresh perspective as we rebuild the world around us through positive interactions with our green spaces. We examine not only our own personal spaces but the planet, which serves as a growing home for humanity's developing consciousness.


        来看看这六个包含泰拉大地玫红Terra Rosa(DE5096)的搭配方案,以获得灵感:

        Take a look at these six color palettes incorporating Terra Rosa to get you inspired:

        “你的梦想会像花一样绽放,乐观积极,我保证他们会以某种方式来实现。温暖,亲近阳光,怀旧,整装待发。– 泰拉大地玫红Terra Rosa(DE5096)

        “Your dreams open like a flower, naturally optimistic, promising they will somehow explain the impossible. Warm, sun-kissed, nostalgic, yet ready for what’s to be.” – Terra Rosa (DE5096)

        邓恩-爱德华兹 2023 年度色彩奖 – 因其对2023年色彩和设计的影响而入选。

        Dunn-Edwards 2023 Color of the Year – chosen for its influence on color and design through 2023. 

        作为色彩方向和灵感的领导者,Dunn-Edwards命名了年度色彩,以激励和鼓励专业人士和消费者拥抱创造力。Terra Rosa是设计师偏爱的Perfect Palette颜色系统中的2006种颜色之一。在品类专家团队的支持下,Dunn-Edwards提供了一系列的工具和抽样机会,以帮助客户在颜色和产品选择方面。

        As a leader in color direction and inspiration, Dunn-Edwards names a Color of the Year to inspire and encourage professionals and consumers to embrace creativity.  Terra Rosa is one of 2,006 colors in the brand’s designer-preferred Perfect Palette color system. Backed by a team of category experts, Dunn-Edwards provides a range of tools and sampling opportunities to aid customers in color and product selection.


