德国的文化标准到你可以预测到每一天的生活轨迹,而在中国每一天都充满了变化,这对德国建筑师Binke Lenhardt充满了吸引力。在中国工作生活15年, Binke Lenhardt学会了说中文,还取了一个中文名:蓝冰可。此次作为“世界的生活家”贵阳站的演讲嘉宾,到达贵阳的当晚,本来身体疲惫不打算参与接待晚宴,但听说是在当地民族特色餐厅吃酸汤鱼之后,她兴致勃勃地来体验了。
In German culture one can roughly predict his or her everydaylife, while in China everything is changing every day, which fascinates Binke Lenhardt, a German architect. During her 15 years' working and living in China,Binke Lenhardt has learned to speak Chinese, and is called 蓝冰可(LanBingke)in Chinese, a name which is phonetically very close to her German name. When she arrived at Guiyang as a guest speaker for "World's Elegant Living"Guiyang session, Binke originally decided to decline the reception dinner for being tired, but after learning that the dinner entails fish in sour soup, alocal specialty, she came to the banquet in high spirit.
One could easily feel the German style from Binke, for example, makingoutline for the interview, clear logic in speech--with cases to support the keypoints. Just as when she talked about the features of German design: systematization,precision and white space, her works reflect the German-style meticulousthinking and careful consideration, and creatively leave space for developmentand possibilities. Together with co-founder Hao Dong, a Chinese architect, shecreated many works in China to express global vision in local language. In the Beijing BMW museum project, multiple layers of scarlet drapery form archways,which radiates poetic aura of Chinese-style displaying a German Vintage Carcollection .
纽约普瑞特艺术学院建筑学硕士,2005 年建立Crossboundaries Architects,在北京、法兰克福均设有办公室,担任北京市建筑设计研究院(BIAD)副总建筑师。与团队一同完成家盒子、索易快乐成长中心、北京大学附属中学、爱慕时尚工厂与北京宝马博物馆等项目。多次获得国际级奖项,近期奖项包括近期奖项包括2015及2017 AD 100、 2015亚洲建筑师协会建筑奖荣誉提名、2015北京优秀工程设计奖一等奖、2016建筑创作大奖银奖、2016及2017Architizer A+等。同时担任教育工作,执教于中央美术学院和清华大学。
holds a Masters degree in Architecture from PrattInstitute, New York, USA; co-founder of Crossboundaries, established in 2005;holds offices in Beijing & Frankfurt; consultant for the Beijing Instituteof Architectural Design (BIAD);completes with team the projects of Family Box, Aimer lingerie Factory, SoyooJoyful Growth Center, Affiliated High School of Beijing University, Beijing BMWM useum, etc. the office won multipleinternational awards, recent awards including AD 100 2015 & 2017, honorablemention of The ARCASIA Award for Architecture 2015, first prize of BeijingExcellent Construction& Design Award 2015, silver prize of ArchitecturalCreation Award 2016,Architizer A+ 2016 &2017,etc; She and Hao Dong are alsoteaching at the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) and recently at TsinghuaUniversity.
Sina: Why do you come to China? What was your impression about it back then?
Binke: I've been staying in China for 15 years. I met my current co-founder and my husband, Hao Dong back in New York when westudied architecture together in university. After graduation, we wereconsidering our future road: where to work and where to live. Then in 2001, NewYork was struck by 911 terrorist attack, and in the same year China won the bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games. We were witnessing the drastic change both in the U.S. and in China, and many overseas Chinese architects were returning to China for further development. We thought that China might offer interestingnew opportunities for us as young architects. After considering carefully ournext steps, I applied for a graduatefellowship offered by German Academic Exchange Program (DAAD) to go to China.
When I first arrived in Beijing for a visit in October, 2001, it was hot and Beijing appeared faceless, vast and dusty, I didn’t feel very comfortable. I didn'tthink I would one day live here and first returned to Germany and the USA untilI settled in Beijing in the late summer of 2002. For me, China is a countrywith vast diversity and a lot to explore. The first couple of years in China were not easy. Familiar things like certain food or coffee was hard to find and the language barrier was immense, but nevertheless I settled after time passed.
Sina: What features of china attract you most?
Binke: First is the diversity of lifestyle. We're now in Guiyang and the food for example here is different from that in other provinces. China has a long history and is huge, people in the south and the north, east and west have different ways of doing things; they have varied ways of life. Second is the diversity itself has multiple levels, such as geography, food, fashion, language, etc. the details of which often gives me inspirations. And third, the breathtaking speedof China's development offers excitingly and tantalizingly huge opportunitiesto architects. German way of life is relatively standardized, and sometimes evena bit boring--we could basically predict what happens next. But in China, everyday is different and not everything is predictable.
Sina: "Standardization" and"precision" are the direct impression of Germany among Chinese people. In your opinion, what are the other features of German design?
Binke: German design has lots of features such assimplicity and precision, and I hope to add some words, for instance, functional,minimal simple and rational. These features are directly related to certainvalues.
For example, in China "almost" is considered done, whilein Germany there's no such thing as "almost": 250px is 250px and 9 is 9; we don't say 225px is "almost" equal to 250px. We lay heavy stress ondetail, probably to a crazy level.So I found it hard to get used to the culture of "almost" when I began to work in China. German culture emphasizes standardization more, which leaves little room for flexible changes. Germany is much smaller than China, which is probably why it's easier to builds tandardized value or criteria in Germany than in China.For example, German issues laws on many types of product toestablish standardregulations, While similar regulations in China are not as manyor specified. German product design entails much consideration of laws orregulations.
The Second isquality. German product is famous for its high quality standards, which sometimes maybe turns into a negative factor from the design point of view.Relatively speaking, maybe we could say that Germans care more about quality and less about design–although this of course genereally speaking. A Germanwater tap could be of high quality and well-made, but it might not strike you as amazing. But an Italian ,product might put the design aspect before the quality, this is also generally speaking. Take the car for example: Italian cars look splendid, while German cars...I always wonder, God, can't they be abit cooler? But surely we should take a balanced view on this, and for products,function and quality should comes slightly first, then the appearance.
新浪家居:路易斯·沙里文说“形式追随功能”,这应该也是德国设计非常强调的准则,而 “Less is More”这句德国包豪斯主义的宣言则在概念上略有不同,在Crossboundaries你们如何理解或关联这种概念?
Sina: Louis Sullivan once said: "Form followsfunction", which is a highlyappreciated approach in German design, while "Less is More" from German Bauhaus is aslightly different concept, how do you at Crossboundaries understand or relate to this concept?
蓝冰可:在Crossboundaries,我们的工作以人为本。我们最终创造的空间或建筑是提供人们使用的,也是积极与人互动的。因此,这些空间必须重视使用者。“Less is More”这一概念可以有多种解释,从人本角度看,它意味着你要给使用者留出空间,让其成为空间的主人,或者是说,你要为发展和成长留出空间,做法就是不要过度设计,使空间功能单一,而是要孕育潜能,能够适应变化,重新定义空间功能。
Binke:We at Crossboundaries put people in the center of our work. At the end wecreatespaces and buildings for people to use them and to also actively engage with them. These spaces therefore have to address the users. The concept of less is more can be interpreted in different ways, in the context of people it can meant hat you leave space for the in habitant to be able to take ownership of the space, or you leave space for development and growth by not over-designing it to a single function, but rather with the potential to allow for change and interpretation.
In this context I also want tomention a quotation by Winston Churchill: "We shapeour buildings, andafterwards, our buildings shape us." If a building isdesigned withcertain qualities, it will allow for a human to develop and take a dvantage of agood environment--eventually it will have influence on the inhabitant. This atthe end puts the human in the center.
Sina: Crossboundaries means crossing the boundaries, is it also your value and working method?
Binke: Crossboundaries was established in 2005. the name was chosen partly because Hao Dong is Chinese and I'm German, so we hoped to use it to express that we are bridge that crossingbetween two countries and two cultures. Half of our team is Chinese, and the other come from around the world. We are an international platform where architects from different nations learn from and communicate with each other. For example, we have both Chinese and British in one team. The solution coming from their communication is not purely Chinese or British, but aproject-specific comprehensive one in the larger context of China. We enjoys aglobal vision and strategy based on thorough understanding of various local cultures.
The diversityof our team is also reflected in the diversity of our clients. They come from various fields and backgrounds.Beyond architectural design, we also focus on interior design, product design, visualart, brand building, exhibition planning, etc. and even urban planning andeducation. Our team also share diverse professional backgrounds. We cooperate with different people and different companies ,and we are constantly exploring new projects and develop new ideas.
When recruiting new employees we hope they understand that they have to think out of the box. We value creative minds more than experience. Wecarry out projects in a democratic way of brainstorming: everyone shows their own thoughts and their best plans, which finally merge into an optimizedsolution. When dealing with Chinese clients, the biggest difficulty is that sometimes themselves don't know what they want and we have to help them figure out, so we put more emphasis on discussing different solutions to findout the most suitable one. Sharing ideas and communication is essential.
Sina: China boasts diversity andopportunity. What's your expectation on working in China?
Binke: Architecture can't change the world, but atleast it could steer the world for the better. I hope all our projects are people-centered,which make people realize the different functions the space brings to them. I hope to use the space to bring to the visitors and the surroundings some change, some positive influence, even if it's slight. I see it a mission of ouroffices work work no matter in Europe or in China. We are currently chatting in an outdoor garden, which I think is far better than doing this interview indoor. we are surrounded by green trees and singing birds which relaxes andpositively influences our mindset. So this is a very simple example what kind of influence settings can have on people and also behaviours.
Sina: How do you see the value of architect?
Binke:First of all ,the architecture is a profession, similar like the profession of the lawyer or doctor. Architects cannot change the whole world,yet they can create new worlds within the existing one and they can improve the environment which surrounds us. Some architects have bigger influence, takingpart in the urban planning, but probably the majority of architects are workingin teams on planning or refurbishing buildings or they work on creatinginterior spaces. We can't change the way society runs, but we can have impact within our network and around our projects. Sometimes our work might seem unimportant,but still we believe and strive for positive influence, which I think is the professional responsibility that an architect should carry. The ideal scenariois, our works create a ripple effect that constantly radiates positive influence on more people and on surroundings.
Sina: There are not many femalearchitects in this field. Dose gender brings you trouble in work?
Binke:In China, your are firstly recognized as a foreigner, then as a female, soactually gender question has to be seen in the context. I define myself as aprofessional architect first of all and I don’t think the gender should beaddressed here. I hope that people can care more about professionalism than about gender. As a female architect, I so far had quite a good experience in China, I always felt the respect not only from my clients, but also on the construction sites.
Binke Lenhard 作品