2019年3月29日,初春,时尚之都——韩国首尔的GLAD酒店宴会厅隆重的举办了ASIA DESIGN PRIZE 2019颁奖典礼。亚洲的设计同行欢聚与此,一些些兴奋,一些些期许,欢乐的气氛在升温、发酵……
美国设计界的巨星KARIM RASHID的发言相当精彩,现场到处都是他的铁粉,蜂拥而至
ADP亚洲设计奖:Very nice to meet you. Please introduce yourself.很高兴认识您。请您介绍一下自己。
Hello everyone, I’m Shen junwei, coming from Shanghai, China. I am the General Design Director, as well as the Founder of Arizon Design. I have 17 years of working experience in the field of commercial retailing space design.
I believe that every project should develop the architecture aesthetic and commercial potential to the most extent. Through the perfectly balanced mergence of art and technology, we can create an experience that inspires imagination out of daily routine.
ADP亚洲设计奖:What is your most memorable representative work? (ADP award must be included)你最难忘的代表作是什么?
The Kid’s World of Shanghai Joy City. (I’m very honored to be awarded the Silver Prize in Asian Design Prize this year)
The Kid’s World on 6th Floor of the South Building in Shanghai Joy City is the spatial extension of this love-themed shopping mall. This enriching, interesting and diversified area of entertainment and retailing is delicately designed for kids aging 3 to 10. It encourages the kids to expand their imagination beyond limitation, to follow their instincts, and to explore the nature in their own way.
The inspiration is originated from Dandelion Hill. The form of hill derived from the rhythm of “contouring lines”, to simulate an undulating geography. In this space of 4200 square meters, the retailing stores and public entertainment areas are fit in the circular moving stream of visitors.
The entire space is a metaphor for the process of life, from budding, growing to maturity. It encourages the creative caprices and ideas to grow in kids, and leads them to explore the magic of nature. Meanwhile, it is also my experimental innovation to embed recreational activities in retailing spaces.
ADP亚洲设计奖:I'm curious about the process. Please tell me your own design process. 我对这个过程很好奇。请您告诉我你自己的设计过程。
1. 如何去整合该楼层的三个不同高低错位结构是我面临的一个大挑战.
1. A big challenge was how to integrate the three-layer staggered structure of different heights on this floor.
2. 如何将儿童零售、娱乐、餐饮、文创,融合在一个空间里且相互之间必须具备极强的联系,除此之外还需带给妈妈和儿童不同的体验。
2. We needed to consider how to fit several activities of completely different functions and demands within one common space, and to make sure that they are logistically interrelated with strong bound. These activities include retailing towards children needs, entertainment, food and beverage, cultural innovation business. Moreover, the experience provided to mother and child should vary accordingly too.
3. Timing and budget consideration. Since the shopping mall was open to customers as usual, the longer this floor to design was in vacancy, the greater loss the shopping mall was suffering. The budget for construction estimated at design phase was lowered of a big percentage because of the censorship. However we still spared no effort to maintain the best design quality.
4. 要有耐心的和不同的品牌商户繁琐的沟通,争取品牌的形象要与商场整体空间的融合。
4. Patience to communicate with representatives from various brands. We looked for the harmony between brand image and the spatial arrangement or atmosphere of the shopping mall.
ADP亚洲设计奖:The opportunity and know-how that got you into employment at the present company.让您在目前公司工作的机会和诀窍
For the moment, my company focuses mainly on the design field of unique department stores and shopping centers.
Nobody can tell where our next project would be.
1. 对于任何一个项目,我们必须拼尽全力,争取让它最好的状态呈现。
1. For every one of the projects, we must exert all our efforts and fight to accomplish it in the best status.
2. I must continuously adjust the subtle balance between commercial operation and cost management, so that the design comes to physical existence.
3. 我的团队必须随时保持紧张感,拼命思考,需要和有共同想法、并能够创造机会的业主达成共识,让他们能够接受设计师描绘的蓝图。
3. My team must stay on alert throughout the whole project and think hard. We need to reach an agreement with the proprietors who share the common opinion and provide us the opportunity, making sure that they are aware of the vision the designers depict.
ADP亚洲设计奖:The company's design process or corporate culture. 谈一谈公司的设计流程或企业文化
The company design procedure: Mainly in the steps of Market survey, Planning, Visual display of project design, and Supervision of project implementation.
Company culture: Focusing on the relationship among individual person, the relationship between people and society, and embedding the concept of harmonious mutual existence between human species and nature in commercial design.
ADP亚洲设计奖: What is the most impressive design book you have ever read or your mentor?您读过的最令人印象深刻的设计书是什么或者你的导师是什么?
“Build a world that belongs to you” by Ando Tadao, from which I read “We have to have imagination, and the spirit to face challenge”, “A designer has to have strong will power and perseverance.”
This book gives me a perception that Ando Tadao is someone who is always prepared for fighting against challenges, who is continuously searching for an unforeseen world. It’s a positive encouragement, especially now I’m moving on progressively to the future.
ADP亚洲设计奖: What is your favorite design medium? 您最喜欢的设计媒介是什么?
“FRAME” is a reference for some of the most trendy and popular space design.
《ArchDaily 》传播世界建筑,它可以让我了解到世界各国比较新的建筑作品。
“ArchDaily” introduces the architecture all over the world, leading me to be acquainted with the latest architecture works.
ADP亚洲设计奖:As a designer, I'm curious about my philosophy.
Influenced by the culture of Chinese Confucius Philosophy, I think profoundly about how to make the human species and nature correspond harmoniously under the theory of “The Unity of Universe and Human”…
我希望构筑的空间是一种共存状态,从中诞生人与环境的对话,产生共鸣;让人与环境的和谐相处,人与人,人与环境融为一体, 让我的「生态时尚」设计哲学融入每一个项目
I wish that the space we construct is a status of common existence. The conversation emerges between people and this environment can speak to the subconscious need of all participants. The environment invites all human to be part of it, upon which a universal pattern of relationship can be built. Let my 「eco-fashion」design philosophy be integrated into every project.
ADP亚洲设计奖:What is your vision for being a designer?您作为设计师的愿景是什么?
Design drives the future of commerce.
The only way for design to carry on, is through a thinking pattern with a heart fulfilled with imagination and freedom.
My vision for this professionalism is to make full use of all the vocational knowledge, personal life experience and the accumulation of philosophical thinkings, so that the relationship between human and nature, from person to person can be demonstrated perfectly in a commercial space…
ARIZON DESIGN乾正设计(全称:上海乾正建筑装饰设计有限公司)由商业空间设计师申俊伟(ELSON SHEN)先生于2008年创立于上海,专为精品百货&购物中心提供室内设计及顾问服务;是国内具有活力和影响力的精品百货&购物中心空间设计机构之一。
乾正设计主要从事 : 精品百货(Department Store)、购物中心(Shopping Mall)整体规划设计。以前沿的设计理念,以“设计驱动商业未来”为使命,说明客户创造更大的商业价值!
申 俊偉(ELSON)
乾正设计ARIZON DESIGN | 创始人兼设计总监Founder and Design Director
他希望构筑的空间是一种共存状态,从中诞生人与环境的对话,产生共鸣;让人与环境的和谐相处,人与人,人与环境融为一体, 让他的「生态时尚」设计哲学融入每一个项目。
He wish that the space we construct is a status of common existence. The conversation emerges between people and this environment can speak to the subconscious need of all participants. The environment invites all human to be part of it, upon which a universal pattern of relationship can be built. Let his「ECO-FASHION」design philosophy be integrated into every project.
He fully explores the aesthetic and commercial potential of architecture, creats impressive and unexpectedly wonderful experience through the perfect combination of art and technology.